With Us It Is Always Business Unusual
How It All Started
Combining and Interconnecting the Unusual
The seedling of a business idea which at the time was without a name or a plan was conceived three decades ago when Ryan Swano simultaneously had a few different small businesses while studying and holding down a permanent job, and while he was also dabbling in the entertainment industry.
When in 2008 he was no longer permanently employed by a company, Ryan started doing freelance work and business consulting aimed at Small Businesses and aimed at the Arts & Entertainment Industry while also providing entertainment services.
This paved the way for what eventually became Fifth Element Live (PTY) Ltd being formally registered in 2018.

What’s in a Name?
Read about the origins of our name Fifth Element Live
It’s Never Business As Usual

Business Unusual
It’s All Connected & Interconnected
Separate and distinct, the different spheres of our business are designed to overlap at times and are able to easily interconnect. This all makes a lot of sense when the synergy between them becomes apparent and our Business Services Clients end up using our Entertainement Services or when our Artists & Entertainers partner with our Business Services Clients on their Corporate Social Investment Initiatives which end up sponsoring an NPO or Organisation that we work with.
For us it is the workings of that Cosmic String, The Fifth Element, that ties us all together..
That is the Aether, along with our Knowledge of Self manifesting with Fifth Element Live.

The Obsessions That Drive Us
• Service Excellence
• Work Ethic
• Attention to Detail
• Neoteric Innovation
• Overt Conscientiousness

Super Efficient
We are Deeply Commited to ensuring Your Success and we pride ourselves in setting up and developing systems that are Streamlined and Super Effecient. We and our Highly Skilled Associates will keep you Competitive in a Fast Evolving Environment.
Deeply Committed
Having an obvious vested interest in ensuring that our business is successful, we have prioritised that we build a Network of Associates who are as Deeply Committed to Our Vision as we are.
It is a Vision that Puts You First.
Highly Skilled
In our aim to be Super Efficient we and our associates who already are all Highy Skilled in our varous fields remain Deeply Committed to Our Continuous Individual and Collective Skills Development to ensure that you Get the Best of Business Unusual.